ode to bitches who like sk8r bois

ode to bitches who have moved on from that phase of their lives

ode to bitches who are sk8r bois

ode to bitches who teach themselves how to tattoo

ode to bitches who take their dates to the graveyard

ode to bitches who like girls

ode to bitches who prefer winter & not just because they own uggs

ode to bitches who are fat or curvy or thick or thicc or thiqq & not a single skinny bitch

ode to bitches who are librarians

ode to bitches who haggle w/ mechanics

ode to bitches who take a 4 hour bus ride to see their ex

ode to bitches who dated my exes

ode to bitches who only wear clothes w/ usable pockets

ode to bitches who are tall

ode to bitches who arent girls

ode to bitches who piss you off by making you follow the library rules

ode to bitches named danez

ode to bitches who wont put up w/ your shit

ode to bitches who take a 4 hour bus ride to new york to join their ex on the 3.5 hour drive back to boston so they can maybe-maybe-not break up w/ each other in person

ode to bitches who write odes

ode to bitches who lie in their exes arms pretending theyre not about to break up & waiting for someone to say bitches so they can say

its me im bitches




sterling-elizabeth arcadia (she/they) is a trans poet and diy tattooer in baltimore, where she watches birds and cares for her cat. she writes queer ekphrastic love poems based on her friends’ instagram posts. her work has been published in Stone of Madness Press, Fuck Your Dreams Zine, DEAR Poetry Journal, the lickety~split, and elsewhere.