Junk Shop
I live in a Contemporary-style house
which means no Epanaphora, Antistrophe,
Reasoning by Question and Answer,
Hypophora, Catachresis or Paronomasia,
all geometry and glass. A skylight opens.
In the junk shop, behind the display case
Unity, Mass, Coherence (Barrett Wendell)
a mannequin, maiden, mermaid overlapping
and a bald eagle that winks, in its talons
the next sentence as a banner above
a stack of spears and jar of pocket change
or people who answer to “Tribunal.”
I will be supplying contemporary detail
rather than timeless points along a line
like birds and water, love and trees.
I wish Felicia Hemans (Mrs.) or William Cullen Bryant
… had done the same. For instance,
who are the people working in the next room?
Could the writer please catalog contents of roll-top desk?
What did the butter knife seem like that day (use a simile)
beside the small faces of strawberries?
What was the red splash on the neighbor’s face
when she heard her son wasn’t coming home?
To clutter the staircase of air,
a coffee mug silkscreened with Elon Musk
Mont Blanc, Bic, and Papermate pens
a print-out from 10/30/2009 Poets.org
of Moore’s “The Fish” taped to the wall
the screen on my I-Pod is asleep
Kiss My Face Honey Calendula
a scarf that came with a $9 sari at Goodwill
around my neck, Café Bustelo on my tongue, and
I am normally a mouth breather.
I have been sitting on this front stoop
all day / watching myself go by &
“The sea grows old in it.”
One daughter is making animals from duct tape:
a ripping sound. Eagle, horse, lion
two-by-two step up to the display case
where the talon’s writhing sentence has been placed &
melted lumps of crow-blue and black jade.
Alexandria Peary is the author of four books, including Control Bird Alt Delete. Her writing has recently appeared or is forthcoming in New England Review, LIT, North American Review, Volt, Boston Review, Map Literary, and Guernica. She maintains a mindful writing blog at alexandriapeary.blogspot.com.