In her mind, Rabbit is always Marrying
Farren Stanley

in a ceremony with a pair of elephants, a barefoot walk

through red dust                    a Rabbit and the dust of her, the ashes

of her, the leap over broom or threshold                always arriving, arriving,


arriving languidly, always arriving always arriving a bride


photo negative:

the boy another boy her cat this is a picture (pose) of how much (pose) lions-the-cat hates posing

some girl an older man with silver hair and lots of money


old friends when they are very old together



I am a bride because I am chosen.              Today is my wedding day my wedding

like a sunrise from a body, a dead body

with the sun rising

over my body my dead body (rising) phallus.

Pointing. red dust

clinging to her bare feet, clinging over                     the threshold, the bedspread

hungry for a stain


the necessary preparations. Sand paper. Swans.                             One last minute guest.


In groups of three stand on the right (pose). Wave.

The strategically-placed head


dress. Select the grade,                                  (pose) cut. Craft a piece

for the center. Cut

a piece for the gut.


The (rising) protrusion will have to be dealt with                            with diplomacy.

Mar the whole scene                         offering the rhetoric

of what is hidden. Refreshments after in the hands of these


red velvet. pink champagne. sweetbreads. sheetcake. rum. the liver of a fetus.





Initialed paper towels to dissolve                              in fluids. Silk ribbons.


The shoulder of the bride (pose)                                                     stippled tetanus red, offsets the death lilies



The skin of a being from a charmed world.