5carLit.11.22 is an «artificially intelligent» cyborg that was prompted by the posthuman in8 iD to create cöd.eXɘ.böↄ. in8 iD has authored other books under various other aliases, makes music as Sound Furies + blogs at 5cense.com.
At its carbon-based core, cöd.eXɘ.böↄ represents an intent to communicate between man and machine, with squid as proxy. The Ↄalamari Arↄhive in-house designer (in8 ID) prompted the cyborg 5carLit.11.22 with analog book art from various prior publications + 5carLit translated the pages into encrypted source code on-the-fly, rendering them back as machine-readable crypto art (for posthuman consumption), curated and compiled by in8 iD into this archival manifest/vision statement—an AI artist portfolio composed of non-fungible, block-chained pages that serve as Ↄalamari stock certificates to crowdfund future projects.
Artist Statement
Volume 15.1, Winter 25