We can easily say that nothing is lost or
saved, that everything remains the
same in its newness, seeds and harvest
gathering together in a gesture that
remains. We catch ourselves doubting
reality: that of a wall, a forest, a pond.
Faced with the world, we understand that
this ever so light passage was only
transparent, signs barely traced out by the
wind. We long to discover what we
have travelled over so often. These
localities, bogged down in the memory,
like a bird stuck in the mud.
There’s no lesson to bear in mind apart
from that delivered by a prodigious earth.
Are you answerable for the words that fall
with the rain and cease as it ceases? They
weigh the same as water on a child’s cheek.
They complete their journey with the
lightness a leaf has. You only investigate the
lack of them, explore, examine their hidden
intention. And you emerge alone at the
crossroads, hands stiff with cold, freed of
all speech.