Translated from Portuguese




Pallid, light from a dark lamp

Above bed of reclined flowers

Like the moon on an embalmed night

Between the clouds of love she slept.

She was the sea-virgin in the cold spume

Through the torrential tidewaters.

She was an angel in the sunrise clouds

That in dreams bathed and forgot herself.

She was most beautiful, her beating breast,

Black eyes, here eyelids opening,

Nude forms sliding in a bed,

Don’t laugh at me, my beautiful angel!

For you at night I held tearful vigil,

For you in my dreams I’ll die smiling.




Pálida, à luz da lâmpada sombria,

Sobre o leito de flores reclinada,

Como a lua por noite embalsamada,

Entre as nuvens do amor ela dormia!

Era a virgem do mar, na escuma fria

Pela maré das águas embalada!

Era um anjo entre nuvens d’alvorada

Que em sonhos se banhava e se esquecia!

Era mais bela! o seio palpitando…

Negros olhos as pálpebras abrindo…

Formas nuas no leito resvalando…

Não te rias de mim, meu anjo lindo!

Por ti as noites eu velei chorando,

Por ti nos sonhos morrerei sorrindo!




Álvares de Azevedo (September 12, 1831 – April 25, 1852) was a Brazilian Romantic poet, short story writer, playwright, and essayist, considered one of the major exponents of Ultra-Romanticism and Gothic literature in Brazil. He was named patron of the 2nd Chair of the Brazilian Academy of Letters upon its founding in 1897, a testament to the long-lasting impact of his works, despite his short life.


Bernardo Villela has short fiction included in periodicals such as Coffin Bell Journal, The Dark Corner Zine, and Constraint 280. He’s had stories included in anthologies such as Queer as Hell and Disturbed. He’s had poetry published by Zoetic Press, Bluepepper and Ekphrastic Review.