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For Today Review by Parker Logan

A Constant Process of Cooling and Heating: An Interview with Brooke Champagne

I’ll Give You a Reason Review by Jalen Jones

Lolita Erasures by Eva Della Lana

Homo Sestina at the Theater by Isaiah Yonah Back-Gaal and Kurt David

Sister Halfway; or, A Portrait of Saint Lucy by Kasey Peters

Pope Boot by Evan Nicholls

Loving Day by Risha Nicole

Excised Parts by Dylan Pierce

John Crow by Morgan Christie

My Brother by Chiyeung Lau

Made in America by Rachel Whalen

2 Poems by Siobhan Hart

The Butterfly Room by Nikki Barnhart

Nix V. Hedden by Bridget Kriner

A Giraffe’s Heart Weighs Twenty-Five Pounds by Juliet Waller

Various Ways of Viewing Birds by Kirsty Dale

Robot by Benjamin Niespodziany

A Ghost Story Story by Areej Quraishi