Took a dragonfly for a walk today.
just a lap around the block,
we touched the sidewalk bruises
and breathed the air.

Tonight I will bring my shirt over my head
lay on my back
and sing a hymn
with her fingers inside,
against my spine, looking for light.

Imagine for a second we are both girls
with no eyelashes.
and I laugh into your mouth.
and we swim rings until the sun breaks
into something very small.

I would like to be loved
and smile with no cavities
and have a bird who calls my name.

I would like to be good.

Imagine for a second
we are both good.

Olivia Treynor is a Barnard College student from California. Her work appears or is forthcoming in The Columbia ReviewCutBankSoutheast Review, phoebe journal, and elsewhere. She loves lakes but is scared of the ocean.