she swims in—
visible worlds
matter : common tongue length
of bay leaves
dry pages turn margins to
letter —she— reads absence :
a space you haven’t yet filled
with breath— counts
four :
one : before you
two : swallows nest
three : a document in madness
four: you who long for things
past replica pirate ship
wrecked ruins of—
naming conventions :
she dreams that she speaks
the lines of the sea
deciphers currents
code :
that the view is more splendid
if you would come
four days
for breath space
we have made
for more—
each century decoding
begins again
stars her skin
sea’s surface like lit
back wards against
incessant click-clack—
water and air
—her body— shell wave spray of foam
through time gate
way cast a—
way ward glance a
way word spell a
way out—
nothing in half
an emotion is—
why she stopped
dyeing her hair
—she— pauses : this is hard for me because I get frustrated
this is hard for me because I’m hungry
this is hard for me because I am sad
this is hard for me because I am alone
this is hard for me because I have a lot of questions
this is hard for me because I get distracted
this is hard for me because I have doubts
this is hard for me because—
shadows water
through it and
not with it—
does imagine—
Jennifer A. Reimer, assistant professor in the Department of American Culture and Literature at Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey, received her PhD in Ethnic Studies from the University of California, Berkeley in 2011, and her MFA in Writing from the University of San Francisco in 2005. She is the 2011 winner of the Gloria E. Anzaldúa Award for Independent Scholars, awarded by the Women’s Committee of the American Studies Association. In addition to over a decade of experience mentoring and teaching students in two of the world’s premier research universities, Jennifer has numerous scholarly and creative publications. Her first prose poetry book, The Rainy Season Diaries, was released in 2013 by Quale Press. She is the co-founder and co-editor of Achiote Press, an independent press dedicated to spotlighting underrepresented authors and artists. A proud native Californian, Jennifer enjoys weekends on the Mediterranean coast, where the raki, like the poetry, is abundant.