My Lean-To
Kelsi Vanada

one lean-to wall gives on
another. at a certain pitch.
onto one shoulder (they call it)
or another. is my lean-to tenable.
at its pitch. completely polished or
clinking into place exactly. how
much room is there within it
for another. my lean-to requires no nails;
can it lean on you. if you pitch
I will respond; I may lean one way
as in no one way. I may lean into or away.
a lattice (I call it)put this in the past tense,
it should have been. how far over
can one be pitched before one pitches. over.





Kelsi Vanada is from Denver, Colorado, and is an MFA candidate in the poetry program at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. She also teaches literature and creative writing at the University of Iowa. Recent publications of poems and translations can be found in Prelude Magazine, Berfrois, and Cimarron Review.