fall foliage called bathers and dancers
sprigs of v and y hold up an orange hillside
that billows as a tent, the letters bone-dry
if you take the landscape view ________
_________ if you take the portrait view
(a) ruins of an alphabet
or (b) a reclining giant
of boulders at the edge of
olive trees and grape vines.
in a fall foliage of bathers & dancers
a black vine of notes drops out of an oboe
that causes the circle of trees to spin
and makes drop-down grapes
“ ” on the joy, the life,
on an acid-pink phrase, on a tangerine phrase.
In a park for picnickers who kiss,
split-tailed birds are flown like kites:
(a) upper rubble
of (b) tv antennae, crosses, spires, wires
penciled-in words or (c) a face of patches,
graffiti of pollen at the base.